primo Schema


Unser Einsteiger ist Ihr idealer Start mit System. Entdecken Sie mit einem Primo die Faszination und Vielfalt Ihrer persönlichen Unterwasserwelt.

Aquarium Line


110 LED 2.0
In 360° ansehen

Aquarium Line


110 LED 2.0




Einsteigen mit System

Einstieg in die Aquaristik auf höchstem technischen Niveau. Moderne LED Beleuchtung und effiziente Filterung runden das Primo-Konzept perfekt ab.
Der Sicherheitsunterrahmen gewährleistet einen besonders sicheren Stand und erlaubt eine problemlose Aufstellung des Aquariums ohne spezielle Unterlagen.
Sorgfältige Verarbeitung, hochwertige Materialien und perfekt abgestimmte Technik gewährleisten ein Maximum an Qualität und Sicherheit. So ist die Langlebigkeit des Primo 110 LED garantiert.

/ Maximale Ausleuchtung

Novolux LED

Die Abdeckung des Primo 110 LED ist mit der NovoLux 80 LED Leuchte ausgestattet und ist mit 10,5 Watt besonders energiesparend. Um Ihren individuellen Ansprüchen noch weiter gerecht zu werden, können durch Aufrüstung bis zu drei NovoLux LED Leuchten in der Abdeckung platziert werden.

Die spezielle Konstruktion der Primo Abdeckung sorgt dafür, dass im geschlossenen Zustand entstehendes Kondenswasser ins Aquarium zurückgeführt wird. Eine integrierte Klappe dient zur Fütterung der Fische und ermöglicht den Einsatz des JUWEL Futterautomaten.

Zu Ihrer Sicherheit ist die PRIMO Abdeckung TÜV GS geprüft.


Millionenfach bewährt: Bioflow Super

Das Primo 110 LED mit einem leistungsstarken Bioflow Super Filter ausgestattet. Dieser fest verklebte Innenfilter verbindet Effektivität mit Sicherheit und bildet das Herzstück des Primo 110 LED. Er folgt dem Prinzip "Das Wasser bleibt im Aquarium!" und stellt damit die sicherste Art dar, ein Aquarium zu filtern. Der Bioflow Super ist ausgerüstet mit leistungsstarken Filtermedien und einer leisen, kraftvollen und sparsamen Eccoflow 300 Umwälzpumpe mit nur 4,4 Watt. (Im Primo 110 ist die Eccoflow 500 Pumpe enhalten)

Juwel Filter System Bioflow


AquaHeat Pro 100 W

Für die richtige Temperatur im Primo 110 LED sorgt der JUWEL AquaHeat Pro 100 Watt Regelheizer. Der Heizer bleibt im Aquarium unsichtbar, da er in das Filtergehäuse integriert wird. Der Regelheizer ist ebenfalls TÜV/GS zertifiziert.

AquaHeat Pro Heater

Technische Daten

  • Produkt

    Primo 110 LED 2.0

  • Produktnr.

    25580 / 25485

  • Farben

    black white
  • Maße

    81 x 36 x 43,5 cm

  • Gewicht

    20,4 kg

  • Volumen

    110 L

Juwel System

All inclusive
Eccoflow 500

Eccoflow 500

JUWEL Eccoflow Pumpen sind die neue Generation von hocheffizienten und flüsterleisen Strömungspumpen. Sie zeichnen sich durch eine besondere Laufruhe und geringe Stromaufnahme aus.

Zum Produkt
Bioflow Filter Super

Bioflow Filter Super

Der JUWEL Bioflow Super ist der ideale Innenfilter für Einsteigeraquarien bis ca. 150 Liter Volumen.

Zum Produkt
NovoLux LED 80 White

NovoLux LED 80 White

NovoLux LED White ist eine energiesparende LED-Beleuchtung für Ihr Aquarium.

Zum Produkt
Regal 835 SB

Regal 835 SB

Schrank SBX Rio 125

Schrank SBX Rio 125

Fragen und Antworten

  • A JUWEL aquarium can be operated extremely cost-efficiently. It is important to remember that the electricity consumption depends on various factors, such as the size of the aquarium, the power of the pump, the lighting and the water temperature.

    To measure the electricity consumption of a typical JUWEL aquarium, we took into account 8 hours of lighting per day, an ambient temperature of 22°C and a water temperature of 24°C, as well as three summer months without heating.

    Based on an electricity price of 40 cents per kilowatt hour, the average electricity consumption of a JUWEL aquarium is about 29 cents per day. The precise electricity costs will depend on the model of the aquarium, as shown in the table below:

  • We guarantee all of our products for 2 years from the date of purchase. Filter sponges and fluorescent tubes as well as all components that are subject to normal wear, e.g. the impeller of the pump, are excluded from the guarantee. Any guarantee claim must be substantiated with a valid proof of purchase.
  • No. Our aquariums are produced using robot-supported processes. This includes the automated application of silicone to the bottom pane. The bulge is merely a point where the applied silicone seams overlap, which is necessary for production. This does not affect the leak-tightness of your aquarium. You can use the aquarium without any reservations.
  • Thanks to specially developed float glass, JUWEL aquariums can bear a multiple of their filled weight. Please make sure, however, to observe your base cabinet’s load capacity. For details about the maximum load capacity, please see the technical data provided on our website.
  • The JUWEL aquarium features a safety base frame which ensures an even distribution of the weight. Please do not use a mat under any circumstances!
  • Arrange the aquarium in accordance with the instructions for use and assemble the filter. In this context, please make sure that the filter media are positioned correctly, e.g. as this is also shown on the packaging of the filter display box. Remove all plastic bags that might protect the filter media (carbon sponge, filter floss, Nitrax sponge and optional Cirax/Phorax basket). If you wish to glue a background or a filter cover into your aquarium, this is the best time. Then load the aquarium with the ground material and the plants as well as other decorative elements, e.g. stones and roots. After that, fill the aquarium with water. Tip: It is best to carefully pour the water through the filter in order to protect the existing set-up. Run the aquarium without fish for approx. 10 days in order to let the important bacteria form in the filter sponges and clear the water of pollutants. Use bioBoost to activate new filter media faster, and thus shorten the run-in period of your aquarium. Use the advice of your specialist retailer.
  • The JUWEL inside filter "Bioflow" is a biologically operating aquarium filter. The filters are adapted to the respective aquarium volume in an ideal manner: The capacity of the filter pump is designed for twice or 3 times the throughput per hour (e. g. Rio 180 = 180 litres at 600 l/h pump capacity). Thanks to its great volume, the filter features extensive backup capacity and it has a long service life (e. g. fewer maintenance intervals). The JUWEL inside filter is equipped with various filter media that facilitate biological pollutant degradation performance. The dual flow principle: A unique feature of the JUWEL inside filter is the dual flow principle in the models Bioflow M, L and XL. The water passes through the two high volume filter blocks at different speeds. This additionally optimises the biological filter process. Scientifically tested: The JUWEL filter system has successfully been tested with regard to its effectiveness in scientific long-term tests by independent institutes a number of times. All JUWEL inside filters are designed with extensive backup capacity, guaranteeing optimised filtering for top water quality. Users appreciate the inside filter’s ease of use and built-in safety: The water stays inside the aquarium!
  • Our production is geared towards producing complete aquariums. Unfortunately we are not able to consider any special requests with regard to our equipment. This is not possible, due to the fact that our manufacturing process is only suitable for serial production.
  • Unfortunately we are not able to make any general statements about an aquarium’s service life, as this depends on a wide range of different factors. However, we do have customers who have been using their aquariums for more than 20 years without any problems.


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