
I. Right of revocation

 If the customer is a consumer, he can revoke his declaration of will aimed at the conclusion of a contract in a textual form (e.g. letter, telefax, e-mail) following receipt of this declaration within one month without stating the reasons or by returning the commodities, in which context dispatch of a request for a return shall suffice for commodities not capable of dispatch as a parcel.

2.  The period shall commence one day after the consumer has received this instruction on revocation, albeit not before receipt of the commodities ordered by him. If the contract was concluded by you in customary electronic business, for example via the Internet, the period for revocation shall not commence before fulfilment of our information duties pursuant to §§ 312c sub-section 2, 312e sub-section 1 sentence 1 German Civil Code in combination with § 1 sub-sections 1 1, 2 and 4, § 3 Information Ordinance of the German Civil Code.

3.  To comply with the revocation period, punctual dispatch of the revocation or the commodity supplied shall suffice. The revocation or the return of the commodities shall be addressed to:

Juwel Aquarium AG & Co. KG
Karl-Göx-Straße 1
27356 Rotenburg/Wümme

FAX: 0049 (0) 4261 - 93 79 856
E-Mail: service@juwel-aquarium.de

II. Consequences of revocation

In the event of an effective revocation, the services already received shall be returned and any benefits derived shall be reimbursed.

2.  If you cannot return the service received to us totally or partly or only in a deteriorated condition, we reserve the right to demand suitable replacement of value from you if applicable. In provision of commodities, this shall not apply if the deterioration of the commodity is exclusively to be put down to your examination as would also have been possible in the scope of purchasing in a shop. In addition, we would at this point once more point out - as at the conclusion of the contract - that you can avoid the obligation to replacement of value for a deterioration originating by proper use of the commodity by not putting the commodity into use as if it were your property and by refraining from everything which reduces and impairs its value. In particular, we recommend examining the commodities supplied on the basis of the instructions for use to start with.
3.  You shall bear the costs of the return if the commodities supplied correspond to those ordered and the price of the ordered commodities does not exceed an amount of € 40.00 or, if the price of the commodity is higher, if you have not yet paid the consideration or a contractually agreed instalment at the time of the revocation. Apart from this, returns shall be free of charge for you. Commodities not capable of dispatch as a parcel shall be collected from you.

III. No right of revocation / expiry of the right of revocation

1.  On the other hand, the right of revocation shall not apply in the exceptional cases regulated by law, in particular
- for contracts, the subject matter of which is supply of commodities designed and produced according to your customer's specifications,
- for commodities tailor made and commissioned to match your personal requirements,
- for commodities not suited for returning on the basis of their properties or
- for delivery of audio or video recordings or of software insofar as the seal has been removed by you from the data media supplied.
2.  Your right of revocation shall expire prematurely if you expressly confirm performance of the contract or waive your right of revocation.